Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Election Day Post Posturing

I slightly eagerly await the RFP results. The way things have been going for me, I have my doubts.

As of right now, they still don't know what caused the courthouse to burn. It made it onto CNN and Fox News, plus the local TV stations. I'm so sad to see a landmark of my community go up in flames. It is where Mary Surratt was put on trial, for aiding John Wilkes Booth after his sucessful assasination of Abraham Lincolin. Also Arthur Bremer, the man who shot George Wallace, was put on trial in the same courthouse. Clearly, a 300+ year old piece of history is in ruins. I cried watching it burn down. I had been in that wing of the courthouse many times, for tours in Elementary, Middle and High school, jury duty when I was 18, and whatnot. I hope that what is built in its place is historically accurate to what was there this morning. My best guess is that this was a construction crew accident, maybe caused by a tired worker watching the election returns the night before.

On a semi-related note. The Deputy US Marshall was charged with first degree murder, reckless endangerment, and using a handgun during a violent crime. It was becoming increasingly apparent that this man was due for charges against him. This does not appear to be jurisdictional rivalry at work here, these are based on concrete evidence and convincing eyewitness reports.

I am wondering if Bush had been shown to win the election a few days ago, how many senate seats would have been picked up by Democrats? It seems that America wants balance, not a runing of the table by the right wing of this nation. Considering many of the close senate races were in heavilly Republican states, one wonders if this may be the case. The bright spot for the Democrats is that they at least picked up Colorado. I thought Alaska was in the bag, but that did not pan out.

As Democrats, we need to look to 2006, to offer canadates that can play very well in each race. A good example, for Governor of Maryland should be Doug Duncan, the Comptroler should be Jennifer Doughery, on down the line. If the Democrats put up good canadates, and come out with a Contract for America'esque platform, they will pick up seats. It was clearly a bad night for Democrats last night, but most everything was won by large margins on the Republican side. No bitter court battles that divide the nation. Granted, Bush will run with this win as if it was a total mandate, because he was the first president since his dad ran in 1988 to win more than 50% of the popular vote.

I am just waiting for the $3.50 a gallon gas to start showing up at the pump.


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