Saturday, December 18, 2004

A blah blah here, A blah blah there...

It's starting to look a lot like Christmas. The idiot drivers on the road, the thoughtless people in the stores,etc. At least it physically will look more like the season, the DC area is expecting snow on Sunday and Monday, and more importantly, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

In the past three days, I have had the middle finger extended to me while driving three times. What's crazy is one of these individuals was behind me in a SUV (I was driving the Camry) and I had someone in front of me slowing down to turn. He was so preoccupied with me slowing down that he flashed his lights. Then when the person that was turning pulled over into the very short (for a 55 MPH posted highway) turn off lane, I hit the gas. This person was so angry with me he went around me on the inside and gave me the finger. WTF? On my drive between Upper Marlboro and Arlington last night, I counted 15 vehicles with their bright headlamps on. On the way home, I noticed at least four. Tis the season to be obnoxious.

I heard from a old friend this week. He chewed me out for living with my parents, not having a real career, etc. He said I will be unemployable. He thinks my parents are using me. Well, my dad got out of the hospital. He can't get out of a chair on his own. If he has to sit on the toilet, he needs help getting up and getting down. He can't walk and hold anything. My parents are very needy. It is quite possible that they will have to live in an assisted living facility in the not too distant future. I strongly feel as if I am doing the right thing for my parents. And they expecially need me right now. I don't mind taking off of work for them, or going to work late, just so they can live their life. I think the person that is telling me I am doing the wrong thing, helping my parents, has serious regret issues for not helping out with a loved one that was needy.

I had friends Christmas last night. Tara gave me a sweatshirt, Steve, Robin and Anna Marie gave me a sweatshirt. Tim gave me an electric razor and a CD wallet, Trish gave me a model car ornament (1966 Tornado Coupe) and Rich gave me a bottle of very high fat chocolate.

Anyhow. I need to go get used by my parents.


At 12/18/2004 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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