Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Level 70

I made it to the 70th level of RC Pro Am. I thought the game stopped at 48. Maybe it does, but by the token of my 3rd place finish, the game never ends. Or you must be perfect in every round. Who knows.

The hunters returned. I actually had a sympathetic 911 dispatcher today. However, three hours later (and counting), they are still out there. These are the same people that I caught dumping back in 2001. And when they come to hunt, they dump stuff too. Are the police being dispatched? Are the police being lazy? I can't believe that they are having such a high call volume that they can't have a patrol car drive by and see someone trespassing.

The rear disc brakes on the Camry had to be redone at a cost of $550. Esentially we were stopping on the roters. hehehehe. My dad, out of cheapness or ignorance did not have the rear brakes changed when the front ones were done, and it cost them dearly.

My dad is getting back to normal. That is, being a very nasty mean person. Oh well.

I guess everything is going good.


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