Thursday, December 30, 2004

My dad hates me

My dad admitted he has a vendetta against me just a few minutes ago.

He is blaming me for why our house is a mess. He told me to move out. My mom got very upset with him. I said we need to go to family counseling. He told me I need to go, and he does not need to go.

Forgive me for actually caring about him when he was in the hospital, forgive me for caring about him when he got out of the hospital. Forgive me for helping him get out of chairs and get off and on the toilet. Forgive me for installing a different shower head on the shower so he could bathe himself. Forgive me for driving to get his prescriptions. Forgive me for making lunch and dinner for him when I am home. Forgive me for having the house spotless for Christmas. Forgive me for taking off work to pick him up from the hospital. Forgive me for caring about my father.

Instead of pointing out the good I have done for him, he just finds small details that are not perfect and making me feel like I am a terrible person for it.

I don't like to be around my father. He's a nasty bitter person. He constantly tells my mom and I "f--k you" and gives us the middle finger. He fights any progress my mom and I try to make on things.

At the end of the day, I don't believe I have a father. I just have a bitter man living with my mother that knocked her up and gave her a few kids.


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