Friday, July 29, 2005

Praise the Lord, but not the child

This is actually from Fairfax County, but it sounds like it is So Prince George's County.

A woman left her four year old son along side the Beltway and drove away, because he was misbehaving. The Washington Post tried to contact her home, and got a full voice mail box, but a recording of the mother and son saying "Praise the Lord" and ending with "Have a blessed day". The mother should be focusing on praising her son, and not leaving him alongside the Beltway. She was only caught because she was in a car accident down near Richmond and the VSP came out to the scene. Leaving your son along side the Beltway, yet having a voice mail message with "Praise the Lord" and "Have a blessed day" is So Prince George's County.

It appears that bad parenting has run amock in the DC region in the past few months. Not one, not two, but THREE parents have had their children put in the trunk of a car. One, in Frederick County MD, had an excuse of "The kids wanted to ride in the trunk." The second one, a parent from Alabama driving though rented a Nissan Sentra, because it was "cheaper", had the car overloaded and with people in the trunk. The third, at the Cosco in Prince William County, locked her kid in the trunk because it was misbehaving. While I will agree that being a parent now days is probably harder than it has ever been, it appears that these parents have not figured out how to be responsible. Locking kids in the trunk, leaving kids along the Beltway, the public outburts are really becoming unacceptable.

Also, it appears that Charles County is going from film red light cameras to digital ones. The intersection at Acton Lane and 301 has been changed already. Howard County has been using digital red light cameras for over a year with much success. These systems do not use a flash, which means that the reflective covers and paste people are putting over their license plates will be useless. I wonder when DC and Prince George's County, the land of the reflective license plate covers, will go digital? Already the town of Morningside is starting its changing over, and I am sure Greenbelt and Cheverly will be next. The only thing about these digital red light cameras are they are ugly compared to the film ones, which looked very tasteful (except the ones that were deployed in Baltimore City, Prince George's County and DC). I am 100% in favor of the use of red light cameras, but I am 100% opposed to the use of photo speed cameras.

I've decided on a new computer. I hope to be buying it sometime next week.

Lastly, I have matched Tricia on something. :-)
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