Wednesday, August 03, 2005

National night out was my time to bow out gracefully

Last night was National Night Out, a program to get neighbors to meet each other and the police. I spent the time at Linden Ave, with the members of the LLC and other people that live on the block. However, I made an announcement to the group and neighbors that I am leaving Linden Tree LLC, to fully pursue my career in Law Enforcement, preferably with the Maryland State Police. Everyone there was very supportive. I was relieved that things went well. The search is on for a replacement member, one I can sign my share of the corporation over to.

My dad went into the hospital earlier in the day, he had chest pains around 8 AM, I took him to the emergency room to get him stabilized. Hopefully later today they will give him an angiogram and we can determine what is causing his chest pains this time.

Between my dad's eyesight and heart condition, the delays with the city, and my desire to move forward with my dream of being a police officer, I decided that it was my time to move on from the LLC. It's very hard to say goodbye to something that I have been working on actively since 2002, but the fruits of my labor have yet to blossom, and I'm heading towards a change of life anyways. It's best that I move on. I will still keep an eye on the group, and will track things as they go forward. I wish the best for the other seven remaining households, and my replacement member, whoever they are.

The rental property is supposed to be done by next Tuesday. THANK GOD!!!!

Good night or good morning, depending on your perspective.


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