Saturday, January 29, 2005

Goodbye Sarah and Aiyshah

It appears that Sarah and Aiyshah have decided to leave the RFP group. We are actively seeking out a replacement household for them. It's too bad they are leaving, they added quite a large amount of diversity to the group. They were both active participants during meetings and with contracts. I did not always agree with them, but I was more glad that they were actively participating. However, I did see this coming, over the past few weeks it seems they became more and more disilusioned with the group at large. At the end of the day though, I'm not going to chase them and beg them to come back. They have made their decision, for better or for worse, and I fully respect and honor it. They will still be invited to my housewarming party, regardless. They are both good kind souls, and I wish nothing but the best for them.

The neighbors by the rental property won't even say Hi to me. Today, I was leaving to go home and get something to eat. I saw the person that lives next door, on the left if you are inside the house facing the street. I said "Hello" to him. He shot me a dirty look and walked right into the house. I wonder what I did to make him angry at me.

Later today, I get to go to the home remodeling expo in Chantilly VA. Mostly to see what's hot in home products, so I can make my house a little more livable. Considering the TLC that I am giving to the rental property, you can expect a very high level of quality to my own house.

I guess it is time for me to roll into bed. Good night.


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