Thursday, April 28, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!

I turned 25 today. Yes, a quarter century as passed since I popped out of my mom.

And I have a sinus infection. Boo. At least I am on antibiotics and getting better by the minute. That's a good thing.

Since I blogged last, I finished my taxes, like most americans. I paid $0.00 to the Federal Government. I paid $329 to the State of Maryland. Why? Well, I expensed my truck for federal purposes, but the state would only allow it to be depreciated. So therefore my tax burden for 2004 to the federal government is $0. My state was much higher.

I traveled to Wisconsin for my cousin Leslie's wedding. She married a fire fighter. It was cool to brag to him and his coworkers about my house being used in the movie Ladder 49. While in Kenosha/Racine, I visited Chicago. I went to Navy Pier which seemed like a ridiculus version of the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, and I went to the top of the Sears Tower. My mom and I flew on Independence Air, which I highly recomend to anyone that lives in the DC area. Too bad they may not last the year.

I went to an Orioles game a few weeks ago. Was fun, they absolutely crushed the Yankees. After going to the game, I went out fire chasing with my firefighter friends. Too bad there were no fires worth going to. Speaking of baseball, my fantasy baseball team has been either in first or second place in the AnswerGuy baseball leauge. Which is a good thing, but then again, I have a lot of high scoring Yankees on my team.

But to all my regular readers, yes I am alive and happy to be twenty five.


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