Monday, March 28, 2005

Slow news day, eh?

I guess it was a slow news day for the Washington Post. On the front page, and two full pages inside, was a story on Sgt. Brett Parsons, the head of the DC Police Gay & Lesbian liaison Unit. (GLLU) OK. This is front page news? Come on the Post, you can do better than that. I've met the guy before, on a ride along with DC Police. He's a big lumbering goof of a guy, I can see why he is very well liked in both the gay community and the police world. But a 2.5 page article, complete with about ten pictures? Geez, the amazement and wonder.

Today, I got the pleasure of trying to get a building permit for the concrete work at my parents rental property. It's basically a process of: #1. You wait for your name to come on a screen. #2. Spend two minutes talking to someone #3. Sit down for 45 minutes and then wait to repeat #1 and #2. It was the most disorganized process and waste of time that I have been though since I was in high school. My mom used to work at the permit counter, being on the customer service end of dealing with the public. I am sure she got yelled at by people from time to time, because the process is so utterly ridiculous.

When I got home from geting the permit, a truck had come down our driveway. The truck ran off the driveway, got stuck in the yard, tore up the grass, etc. Aparently the UPS person came and delivered some stuff my dad had forgot in his hotel room a couple months ago. In the process, he had tried to avoid hitting the tree, and got stuck in the yard. A report has been put in to UPS, and they are going to pay for a landscaper to come in and fix the damage.

This evening, my parents have started to have a war of annoyance. My mom came into the TV room and started talking on the phone to her friend Cathy during the middle of the news. I go lay down because my stomach is bothering me, and I come downstairs. My dad has the TV in the family room at FULL sound, my mom has the TV in the TV room at a high sound level too, and is talking on the phone. The kitchen is a total mess, with $10 worth of cold cuts laying on the counter, because my dad did not feel like putting them away, because he left them out for my mom, who thought my dad was being careless. My dad cooked my mom breakfast yesterday, and in the process, got egg all over the stove, and has never cleaned it up. There are cupcake wrappers all over the place, plates stacked up, etc. I've spent virtually no time in the kitchen, and they have messed it up. I told them both that they are acting like little spoiled brats and that they need to find a hobby outside the house that gets them interacting with other people. I'm sick and tired of having to play parent for my parents. It is becoming painfully obvious at an accelerated pace that they are not able to take care of themselves and get along anymore. I am going to have to move out in the near future, because they are bringing me down to a level that I can't live with.

Last night in the middle of the night, I felt like I had ate a box of thumbtacks and I was trying to digest them. My guts feel like they are inside out, and still feel that way. I am completely miserable. I doubt this is related to my parents, instead, my guess is food poisoning.


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